10 Millionaires Who Lived on the Streets

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2. Bob Williamson

Bob Williamson sold his company for $75 million in 2008, but as a teenager he was an alcoholic, attended 19 different schools, was an intravenous meth and heroin user, carried a .357 magnum and committed armed robberies.

However, a head-on car collision and a hospital stay at the age of 22 led him to discover his faith, convert to Christianity and meet his future wife of 40 years.

This shock to the system put him back on the straight and narrow, and he set himself up in the art supply business before founding Horizon Software International in 1993.

The company monitors and facilitates meals in schools, hospitals, corporations and the military, allowing online payments and meal monitoring, and as of 2008 had sales of $26 million. 

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2. Bob Williamson