10 Millionaires Who Lived on the Streets

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6. Jerry Winkler

Jerry Winkler had a hard 28 years of life, with his childhood peppered with trauma.

His mother was ill with a brain tumor, and the man he thought was his father took him in — but their relationship was strained and he spent five years in the foster care system.

He became involved in drugs and petty crime before finding out that the man he believed to be his father was not and that in fact he was the only heir of deceased multimillionaire businessman Alfred Winkler.

A DNA test confirmed the paternity and Jerry went from the streets to a palatial house in the center of Amsterdam. He did not forget his life on the streets, however, and used his newfound wealth to set up a foundation to help homeless young people.

He did not forget his life on the streets, however, and used his newfound wealth to set up a foundation to help homeless young people.

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6. Jerry Winkler