10 Most Notorious Acts of Corporate Espionage

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3. Kodak Vs Harold Worden

Pensioner power was something that Harold C. Worden obviously believed in. After completing 30 years with the Eastman Kodak Corporation he retired and promptly set up a consulting company, brokering the services of over 60 other retired Kodak employees. In his last five years working for Kodak, Worden was intimately involved with the development of the 401 film machine.

Not content with simply bringing with him several thousand confidential documents relating to the machine, he also convinced his successor to provide him with even more. He was sentenced to one year in prison and fined $30,000, only a little more than he had received for the stolen information, which Kodak held to be worth millions of dollars. One wonders whether Worden pawned his gold watch too…

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3. Kodak Vs Harold Worden