12 Donald Trump Brands That Failed Miserably

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Trump Casinos

Trump Casinos

Donald Trump was synonymous with his Atlantic City casino for years. Trump Entertainment tried to sell the casino for years, at one point even settling for the lowest price ever on an operating casino, a deal that fell through.

The Trump Plaza in Atlantic City has been shut down and Donald Trump’s PR team said he had nothing to do with its collapse. 

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Trump Casinos

Written by Peter Mondrose

Peter Mondrose is the Editor-In-Chief at BusinessPundit. He received his degree in Economics in 1998 and a second degree in Journalism in 2004. He has served as a financial adviser, market trader, and freelance journalist for the last 11 years. When he's not investigating market conditions and reporting on workplace news, he can be found traveling with his wife, dog, and laptop. He can be reached at OnlineDegree.com.