15 Awesome Luxury Treehouse Hotels

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8. Post Ranch Inn, USA

8. Post Ranch Inn, USA

With fireplaces, king-size beds, digital music systems, and skylights offering gorgeous views of the great outdoors, these treehouses are the perfect choice for anyone wanting to sleep high off the ground.

Located in Big Sur, California, Post Ranch Inn is famous for mixing luxury with a rustic, getaway charm.

Opened in 1992, the Inn preserves the history of Big Sur pioneers and tips its (cowboy) hat to the land’s ranching days. In 2013, the Inn made

In 2013, the Inn made Condé Nast Traveler’s Platinum Circle and Gold lists. So it must be doing something right.

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8. Post Ranch Inn, USA

Written by Tammy Johnson

Tammy Johnson is the Retail Editor at BusinessPundit. She focuses on Fortune 500 retail company's and disruptive brick-and-mortar and e-commerce companies that are changing the retail landscape.