16 companies who donate money to save dogs

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#11 – Natural Balance

Natural Balance

Natural Balance dog food is a treat for your dog that also helps rescue organizations. The company has a Non-Profit Charity Rebate Program where consumers can send in their Proof of Purchase UPCs and provide cash to qualifying rescues. Natural Balance also directly supports rescues and other dog organizations.

#12 – Thundershirt


Thundershirt may seem a little silly, but its product works. Plus, the company gives back in a huge way. The Thundershirt is known for comforting dogs who experience anxiety and may have a panic attack or other behavior issue. The makers of Thundershirt really help out by donating their product to shelter dogs suffering from anxiety.

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Written by Melissa Stusinski

Melissa Stusinksi is a professional journalist. She has written for some of the biggest news websites in the United States. She loves spending time outdoors and reading books in her spare time. She can be reached at MelissaStusinski@BusinessPundit.com or (929) 265-0240.