25 Hottest Men of Business

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6. Richard Branson


Richard Branson is the eccentric, arresting tour-de-force behind the ubiquitous Virgin brand. Starting with a record store in London, Branson went on to found the Virgin record label, the airline, the book publisher, the credit card, the train, the fitness club, the game reserve, and the space flight expedition. Fittingly, he also owns an island in—what else—the Virgin Islands, but he hasn’t purchased and branded them all. Yet.

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6. Richard Branson

Written by Jeff Springer

Jeff Spring is the Finance & Markets Editor at BusinessPundit.com. He's currently spending his days backpacking across Europe. While he may be living outside of the United States, he stays connected to American financial markets and M&A's more than is probably healthy for any single person. His love of a good book and a Bloomberg terminal can't be understated.