25 Tycoons Who Run the World

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14. Azim Premji

Wipro Limited, Premji’s holding company, runs India’s biggest IT outsourcing company. When Premji inherited Wipro, it was a cooking fats company. Premji grew Wipro, Borg-like, until it dealt not only in cooking fats, but in hydraulic cylinders, light bulbs, personal care products, and computers. When outsourcing fever hit the West in the early 2000s, Wipro’s IT services division gobbled up the chance—and the margins—as one of the boom’s main beneficiaries.

Premji’s next venture? His very own university.

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14. Azim Premji

Written by Drea Knufken

Currently, I create and execute content- and PR strategies for clients, including thought leadership and messaging. I also ghostwrite and produce press releases, white papers, case studies and other collateral.