25 Well-Paying Jobs that Most People Overlook (and Why)

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14. Crime scene cleaner

While the hit show “CSI” has kindled interest in this career path, serious potential applicants should know a few more things about their “dream field.” In addition to mopping up blood, the day of a crime scene cleaner can also include ripping up carpet and floorboards, working in extremely tight spaces, and unearthing bodily fluids and evidence from asbestos-filled buildings. Crime scene cleaners who are lucky enough to get called into a drug lab will get the extra joy of gingerly handling combustible chemicals and compounds while they strive to do their jobs. If none of this phases you, however, an average salary of $50,400 is yours for the taking.

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14. Crime scene cleaner

Written by Jeff Springer

Jeff Spring is the Finance & Markets Editor at BusinessPundit.com. He's currently spending his days backpacking across Europe. While he may be living outside of the United States, he stays connected to American financial markets and M&A's more than is probably healthy for any single person. His love of a good book and a Bloomberg terminal can't be understated.