25 Well-Paying Jobs that Most People Overlook (and Why)

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1. Proctologist

Known ubiquitously as “the butt doctor”, a proctologist is charged with diagnosing and treating problems with the rectum or anus. Using your trusty proctoscope, you will examine patients for such problems as anal tears, fecal incontinence, severe constipation, and even (in rare cases) anal cancer. You will be more or less despised by your patients, but there’s a $226,000/yr salary at the end of the tunnel if you manage to stick with it for a couple years!


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1. Proctologist

Written by Jeff Springer

Jeff Spring is the Finance & Markets Editor at BusinessPundit.com. He's currently spending his days backpacking across Europe. While he may be living outside of the United States, he stays connected to American financial markets and M&A's more than is probably healthy for any single person. His love of a good book and a Bloomberg terminal can't be understated.