The social security stimulus package is on its way. The stimulus comes in the form of $250 checks for social security recipients. CNN reports:
An estimated 50 million Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive their one-time $250 economic stimulus check starting in early May — several weeks ahead of schedule, Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday.
Vice President Biden says the checks will “make a big difference” for older Americans and those with disabilities.
Vice President Biden says the checks will “make a big difference” for older Americans and those with disabilities. The $250 checks “will make a big difference in the lives of older Americans and people with disabilities — many of whom have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis that has swept across the country,” Biden said in a written statement.
“Big difference” is an overstatement, but it’s a nice gesture.
DISCLAIMER: Business Pundit does not know when your checks will arrive in the mail. Please do not email us asking if we know when your check will arrive. We have no clue. Please contact the people here with your questions: Good luck.