Image: Vapour Trail/Flickr
Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith and perseverance to create a brand. -David Ogilvy
Your brand defines who you are. Without a brand, you’re a business nobody. Yet building an effective brand takes work. Learn what you need to do in the 50 branding tips below.
General Branding Tips
From message to marketing, you need to refine your brand to make it work. See where you need to focus by browsing the tips below.
9 criteria for brand essence.
The brand formula.
Stealth marketing can boost your brand.
Your brand should reach customers where they’re located.
Do you have sensitivity to your message? Or are you one of the marketers who’s making us stupid?
On brand resonance, and how you can keep it.
Online Branding
From personal branding to social media identity, online is where it’s at. Yet building a great online brand still takes strategy.
Cultivating culture is a vital strategy for building a web brand.
Personal vs. professional branding in social media.
In social media branding, action + perception = identity.
PR is taking over social media–get ready for the big brands.
What should the social media face of your company be?
5 tips for branding your business on Twitter.
What brand marketers want from social network sites.
Personal branding through a blog: How to make a blogging name for yourself.
7 reasons domain names may not matter as much as they used to.
Branding in the Corporation
How your team and other departments play into a successful corporate brand.
Hire passionate people to help your branding efforts.
Branding is nowhere without operations.
Consumer evangelists, brands, and commodities.
The pitfalls of misdirected packaging.
Brands with a bull’s eye on their backs.
Do companies have control over their brands?
How branding can kill your profit.
In a tough economy, branding matters.
Your external brand can only be as good as your internal brand.
3 ways big brands ensure FTC compliance.
Is PR becoming the new advertising?
Branding Analysis
It’s hard to create a solid brand without knowing what you’re looking for. The analyses below will help you figure it out.
Does being free cheapen a brand? Here’s a look at Google’s brand.
Why leading brands stay on top.
The land of lost brands.
Brand Stories
A good story helps you understand the concept of branding on a deeper level. Here are several interesting branding tales.
Inside an advertising campaign for the Levi’s brand.
Lessons from a branding disaster.
What you can learn about losing your brand and alienating people from Gamespot.
10 things your brand can learn from Trader Joe’s.
Does the fashion industry even know what a brand strategy is?
What’s your brand story?
Branding Tips for Specific Professions
Branding for a musician and a big corporation are different endeavors. Here are some tips for specific occupations.
Tips from going from book to brand.
Tips on branding and promoting yourself for freelancers.
Personal brand organization tips.
Social Aspects of Branding
How communities and other people play into your branding efforts.
How to build a brand community.
How social engagement helps branding.
Word-of-mouth marketing and brands.
Branding Resources
Check out the resources below for even more information on branding.
Here’s Inc. Magazine’s excellent website on branding.
Here’s a list of brand loyalty marketing resources.
Find daily opinions on brands here.
How well do you know your brands? Take this quiz.