Ryan Hammill
Ryan Hammill is the Business Pundit Editor for Entrepreneurship and for Policy. He is also COO of Syndicate Media Group, LLC, a digital media agency and start-up accelerator in Eugene, OR. He writes on topics including public policy, SEO, education, and religion. His writing has appeared in a variety of places, including Aleteia, The Federalist, and Sojourners. You can follow him on Twitter via @HammillRyan.
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The Business of Becoming a Writer
Becoming a published author can be a very romanticized career but, in reality, it takes serious time and dedication, from beginning to end, in order to navigate the business of writing. Once a work is written, the job is still far from done. There are several things that need to happen, including finding and working […]
How to Start an LLC in Illinois
Starting a small business in Illinois is exhilarating, rewarding, and—to be completely frank—potentially overwhelming. But despite the amount of paperwork and legal considerations required, careful attention to detail and a touch of perseverance during your LLC’s formation will lay a solid foundation that will set you up for the challenges of running a small business […]
How to Start an LLC in North Carolina
North Carolina: the Tarheel State. A place for doers and dreamers, just like you. It’s home, and North Carolina is the perfect place to start your business. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) there are roughly 900,000 small businesses in North Carolina, and as recently as 2016, those small businesses employed nearly 2 […]
How to Start an LLC in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania state motto is “virtue, liberty, and independence”—three words that could also easily describe the traits and values of many small business owners. It makes sense, then, that Pennsylvania is a great place to launch a business, large or small. Don’t just take our word for it. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, […]
How to Start an LLC in New York
Starting a small business in New York is exhilarating, rewarding, and—to be completely frank—overwhelming. A business idea is just the beginning. How do you start an LLC in New York? Careful attention to detail and a touch of perseverance during your LLC’s formation will lay a solid foundation that will set you up for the […]
What Does LLC Mean?
Small-business owners need to understand their options, and that means taking a closer look at LLCs. Companies that use this type of legally recognized business structure find a middle ground between the simplistic setup of partnership and the complexities of establishing a full-fledged corporation. Forming an LLC can affect the legal aspects of running your […]
Marketing Education: Branding and Design
Visual identity is defined as how a brand appears and includes a company logo and colors associated with the company. Branding is a company or individual’s persona, including how people view the company or individual and any associated products or services. Branding and the visual identity of companies and products surround everyone. Branding is evident […]
How to Start an LLC in Texas
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of setting off on a brand-new business endeavor. Starting—and growing—your own small business is an intensely challenging but deeply rewarding journey. Perhaps that’s why the vast majority of businesses in the United States are small businesses. The Lone Star State is no exception. The 2.6 million small businesses in […]
How to Start an LLC in Florida
So you decided to make your dreams a reality by starting your own business in Florida. This time in your life is extremely exciting, envisioning all of the wonderful years ahead building and growing your business. You can also see how challenging it will be to get your business off the ground and keep it […]
What Does the Google Lawsuit Mean for SEO?
When one of the knights of the Round Table sallies forth to free a damsel in distress, he does not just free her. Her villainous captor is often some sort of local baronial lord who has taken to imprisoning, raping, killing, and occasionally even eating the peasants who work the land near the castle. Thus, […]
How to Start an LLC in California
So you want to start a business? Great! It might sound intimidating – and it is a lot of work – but many people have done it before. You can do this! According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, California has 4.1 million small businesses, which account for 7.2 million employees. If 4 million other […]