Category: Business


  • The Ultimate Top Ten List For Small Business

    In an effort to bring you a fabulous Top Ten List, I found that there were quite a few worthy lists out there already.  And so I present to you – the mother of all small business top ten lists.  These resources touch on many of the skills and characteristics it takes to be an […]

  • 3 Ways to Gear Up for a Great Reinvention

    For all the media fervor around the Great Resignation, many professionals are staying focused on climbing the ladder in their current roles. But those trying to advance are facing pressure from every direction, forcing them to stay put. Economic pressures, like inflation, mean the money they earn won’t go as far. And with fast-paced changes […]

  • Best Credit Card Readers for Small Business

    From traditional basic swipe cards, to chip friendly, and even touchless payment options, the best credit card readers for small business are mobile, secure, and easy to use. These days it’s easier than ever for businesses of all sorts to accept payment through credit cards.  BP’s Picks for Best Credit Card Reader for Small Business […]

  • Best IT Support Companies for Small Business Needs

    Best IT Support Companies for Small Business

    When it comes to information technology (IT) services, many small business owners don’t know where to begin. You know using the right tech in the right way is a vital part of success in just about any modern business. What you might not know is exactly what your small business needs from an IT support […]

  • Best Degrees for Small-Business Owners

    The 10 Best Degrees for Small-Business Owners

    The number one pick just might surprise you Although some disagree whether a modern entrepreneur needs a college degree at all, the fact of the matter is the right undergraduate student degree can set a small-business owner on a path to success. But which college degree? That question likely brings to mind options like business […]

  • women's probiotics

    Women’s Probiotics Make a Difference in Your Health

    Much is still to be understood in the holistic treatment of the entire human. It is time to explore the digestive system health and gut microbiomes. Taking the right probiotic supplements may be the answer to what you’ve been looking for. Learn more about the role of women’s probiotics and your health in the visual […]

  • small business

    The Pandemic’s Impact on Small Business Ownership and What to Do About It

    Small businesses make up more than 90% of the U.S. economy and play many roles within it—employers, sources of innovation, economic multipliers, community hubs, and more. While they provide great opportunities in their respective industries, small businesses are also uniquely vulnerable to the economic impact caused by crises like recessions or the COVID-19 pandemic.  Along […]

  • Best Small Business NAS

    5 Best Small Business NAS Solutions

    If your business only stores a few gigabytes of data daily, cloud storage solutions should suffice. But if your storage needs exceed the cloud, but aren’t quite large enough to warrant an investment in expensive rack space, what data storage options are available to a small-business owner? Is there something in between? If this is […]

  • Wave Review: The Best Small Business Free Accounting Software

    The pressures of running a small business can often mean making compromises when it comes to the software that you choose to run. A few dollars for license here and then a few more dollars there and all of a sudden – you’ve spent more than you can afford. That’s why we have chosen Wave […]

  • inflation and car insurance

    How Inflation and Car Insurance is Impacting Customers

    Inflation, the Russia / Ukraine conflict, and a multitude of other complex factors has been impacting the bottom line of household budgets across the nation. Being prepared and thinking methodically about how, where, and how efficient one drives can make a big difference at the pump and when it comes to car insurance. See more […]