Category: Economy


  • Indian Rupee Gets a New Currency Symbol

    India’s currency, the rupee, now has its own symbol, thanks to Indian Institute of Technology post-grad D Udaya Kumar, whose design was chosen in a national contest. Kumar will get an award of Rs 250,000, nearly $5,400–and India will get a new currency symbol. The Times of India has more: The Indian rupee will soon […]

  • IMF Bullish on Global Growth–On the Surface

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that the global economy will grow 4.6% this year, 0.4% more than its initial projection. That’s the most growth since 2007, according to Bloomberg, which has the story: Canada and the U.S. are leading advanced economies out of the worst recession since World War II, trailed by euro-area […]

  • The World’s Most Lucrative Business Markets

    What global business markets make people the most money? It depends. If following the law and paying taxes plays a role, oil, weapons, and alcohol are decent bets. For those who prefer the black market side of things, however, you can’t beat illegal products like drugs and counterfeits. We’ve combined the best of the world’s […]

  • Obama’s Tax Breaks and Outsourcing

    Image source This is a guest post by Jacob Cherian of SourcingLine. In a recent statement, President Barack Obama implied that he would cut tax breaks to companies offshoring jobs overseas. It appears the move is to arrest the outflow of jobs from the U.S. But analysts are not sure if this new regulation will […]

  • Wealth Distribution in the United States

    One reason for the growing disparity between the rich and the poor is the fact that most new jobs that are created pay low wages and often do not offer retirement plans or health coverage. Here is a graphic look at the widening gap between the nation’s rich and poor.

  • The State of the Gift Card Economy

    Share Now that the dust has settled on yet another holiday season, now is the time that we bask in our takings. Even though the holiday spending spikes that most businesses see during December have come to an end, big profits are still made thanks to the overwhelming popularity of gift cards in recent years. […]

  • The Unquenchable Thirst: Taxing America’s Oil Addiction

    In the U.S., our dependence on oil not only makes for wealthy oil companies, it also supports our federal, state and local governments. Gas taxes add up quickly and some areas of the country are taxed more heavily than others. However, one surprising thing holds true: The government profits even more from our oil addiction than the super-rich oil companies do.

  • Study: Black Markets Protect European Economies

    European researchers have concluded that a big enough shadow economy can protect a country from recession. The Financial Times reports: Unofficial, or “shadow”, economies can help shield European countries during a recession – but illicit activity has to be on a sizeable scale, according to report by Germany’s Deutsche Bank. Countries with a high prevalence […]

  • 10 Places Where Everyone Can Be A Millionaire!

    Who wants to be a millionaire… for under $200? Come on, even your mom could afford that. Might we suggest a trip to the following places… 10. Zambia Exchange Rate: US$1 = 4,669 Kwacha Highest Value Banknote: 50,000 ($10.70) To give you an idea of how weak the Kwacha is, although there are still some […]