Category: Education


  • 2011 College Graduates: Are you Ready for Life?

    The 2011 graduates have just walked the stage and are preparing themselves for the great adventure to follow. Mixed emotions are flooding through them; “Am I ready? Will I find a job related to my degree?” There are many paths a graduate can follow once they’re thrown out into the real world to look for […]

  • 10 Richest College Dropouts on Earth

    “We don’t need no education” ~ Pink Floyd, “Another Brick in the Wall” A college education is often touted as being a prerequisite to a good life and a high income. Unsurprisingly, college prospectuses promote the success of their alumni as a reason why you should choose to complete a degree at their particular campus. […]

  • 20 Must-See Business TED Talks

    Every year, today’s greatest thinkers gather at various TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) conferences around the world. Their talks, which you can find on TED’s website, are often insightful, educational, and fascinating. As a TED junkie, I decided to compile 20 of the best business talks in the conference’s history. Each talk offers insights either […]

  • The REAL Top 5 Jobs for College Grads

    The is a guest post by Wall St. Cheat Sheet’s Damien Hoffman. If you just graduated from college, you’ve probably read a bunch of government stats in your career center. They merely tell you which sectors are growing and which are not. Forget all that general advice. Wall St. Cheat Sheet has put together a […]

  • 7 Websites That Teach You Foreign Languages for Free

    This is a blog post by Drea Knufken. Scurrying to market yourself amidst stiff competition? Looking to gain new skills? Learning a new language will not only boost your resume, but will open you up to worlds of new contacts, prospects, and friends. Luckily, the days of dragging yourself to night classes may be over. […]

  • Taiwanese University Offers Porn Analysis Class

    From Ananova: A university in Taiwan has opened a course to teach students how to appreciate and analyse porn movies. The Mass Communication Department of Providence University opened the course this semester, reports United Daily News. To pass the course, students must give a 15 minute presentation in which they analyse an audience’s psychological reaction […]

  • Loyalty Programs Make Customers Feel Like They Have Status Over Others

    A recent Chicago Journal of Consumer Research study found that businesses can make consumers feel more special by creating multi-tiered loyalty programs, which pander to a sense of status: Many businesses create loyalty programs to confer a sense of status to their customers. Examples are platinum, gold, and silver charge cards, or red and blue […]

  • Paul Krugman Wins Nobel Prize

    Congratulations, Mr. Krugman! From today’s New York Times: Paul Krugman, a professor at Princeton University and an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences on Monday. Mr. Krugman received the award for his work on international trade and economic geography. In particular, the prize committee lauded […]

  • 10 of the Millennium’s Best College Business Scandals

    Having a higher education usually means making a higher income, but these ten deal snatchers have made an art form of pilfering available resources. Read and learn, but don’t repeat these mistakes unless you have foolproof alibis in place: 10. Cozy Relations Between Financial Aid Offices and Lenders The financial aid office used to be […]