Category: Science
9 Ways Christianity Battles Science
Share Science and Religion… here are two things that do not go together like birds of a feather, or peas in a pod, or pork chops in applesauce. But the two have to live together one way or another seeing as the world is technologically and scientifically developing at nearly the speed of light while […]
How Emotions Drive Your Decisions
Image: Digital Shotgun/Flickr This is a guest post by Mary Lamia, Ph.D. Your emotional system can give you an advantage in your decision-making if you make proper use of it. Your emotions will drive the decisions you make today, and your success may depend upon your ability to understand and interpret them. Many people think […]
50 Neuroscience Links for Business
Know your fellow man and you’ll know business. Know your own mind and you’ll know your fellow man. Catching up on how science sees our minds can benefit you socially, personally, and in the workplace. Here are 50 neuroscience links that will amp up your business circuitry. Skills You can use neuroscience and neuropsychology to […]
8 Insane Japanese Robots That Will Take Your Job (And Possibly Your Life)
If you’re a chef, musician, cleaner, model, or just anyone, you should be afraid. Very afraid. You’re about to lose your job – and when robots rule the employment roost, don’t be surprised if you end up losing your life too… Note: the following is pure speculation and may be an example of mass hysteria […]
What Bullet Holes in Airplanes Can Teach You About Making Better Business Decisions
I don't experience much cognitive dissonance these days, but the following story from a book I am reading (and will review later) slapped me upside the head. I'm normally very good with problems like this, so when I didn't immediately understand it, I was surprised. I'll pose the problem below, and make you click through […]
Multitasking Has Negative Effects on Learning
More negative research on multitasking that multitaskers will probably not believe. Multi-tasking affects the brain's learning systems, and as a result, we do not learn as well when we are distracted, UCLA psychologists report this week in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Multi-tasking adversely affects how you learn," said […]
Shifting the Workday?
When are we most alert? It seems that 6pm-7pm is the prime time for alertness. Maybe the standard work day shouldn't be 8-5…
Memory Morphing – the Effects of After-the-fact Advertising
The more we learn about the human brain, the more we will be able to exploit it for the better (and the worse). I am not sure which category this falls into. Advertisers have found a new way to mess with your mind. A group of US marketing researchers claim that brand owners can make […]