Tag: business


  • 10 Unintentionally Hilarious Business Signs

    An endless amount of businesses worldwide means an endless amount of signs — and endless possibilities for mistakes, typos, and inadvertently perverted slogans. Here are ten types of unintentionally hilarious business signs that will have any business owner checking and double checking all their advertisements.

  • 5 Excellent Books For People in Business Careers

    Business can be challenging. Having a successful business career takes skill, dedication, hard work and a degree in business administration certainly doesn’t hurt. The more you learn new information and strategies about being a great business person, the faster you can help advance your career. Business books can help you grow as a person and […]

  • 3 Kindle Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

    As an entrepreneur, you likely know that there are a plethora of books out there that can give you help running your business. There are, however, a few books that every entrepreneur should buy and load up on their Kindle, regardless of whether they are a long established businessman or just starting up their company […]

  • 5 Influential Christian Business Leaders

    Share The Christian community is a very important part of our society and as such it is vitally important that there be some respected leaders to provide guidance and direction for the community. Any group, even a religious one, can lose its way if they do not have someone who is responsible enough to provide […]

  • 5 Corporations that Own Almost Everything

      Share Even among those pro-business, most acknowledge that corporations rule just about everything around us. Big companies supply our cars, gas, food and even our politicians. We’re not talking about hundreds of thousands of mom and pop shops. We’re not even talking about thousands of medium sized business or even hundreds of large business. […]

  • 5 Ways to Make Gun Control Safer in America

      Share For decades, America has been locked in a heated debate with itself over gun control laws and safety. Every year, people are murdered with (legal and illegal) firearms, kids accidentally shoot one another and themselves, and the illegal firearm trade grows larger. Here are some ways that we might make gun control safer […]

  • 10 Geeks Who Profited From Their Geekdom

      Share It’s a tired story by now that you should be nice to the nerds, so when they grow up and found a billion dollar software company, they won’t be inclined to crush your dreams with their vast wealth and power. At least that’s the gist of The Social Network. Turns out a natural […]

  • 10 Things They Won’t Tell You About Your First Job in Business

      Share Congratulations!  You’ve successfully completed college/high school/associate’s degree/technical school/doggy day care/a day without curling into a useless ball of tears and self pity!  You are finally ready to go out there and get one of them full-time professional jobs with benefits and everything.  You’ve studied hard in school, and have even spoken with professionals […]

  • 10 Reasons Working in an Office is Awful(ly Awesome)

    Share There are fewer symbols of crushing defeat more overwhelming than a dimly-lit office with uncomfortable chairs, buzzing neon lights, and lifeless drones of workers staring at you with their dead little eyes.  Offices are where dreams go to die and your ambitions of becoming a tortured writer or international starship captain wither and fade […]

  • 10 Wildly Successful Businesses Thriving Despite the Economy

    Share While most of us are still trying to move past Ramen noodles and dry cereal, there are plenty of businesses that have continued to live large in the face of a less-than-fruitful economy. The 10 businesses on our list have withstood the test of time and taxes, and are making serious profits in several […]

  • 10 Business Ideas that Immediately Crashed and Burned

      Share    We all know and accept that failure is a natural part of the business cycle.  Bad ideas will be rejected by the market, and good ideas will flourish and lead to a more prosperous and efficient economy.  Hell, even perfectly good ideas that outlive their usefulness will slowly die ignominious deaths no […]