Tag: business


  • 10 Largest Illegal Drug Trades on Earth

    Drugs, as anyone with more than a passing interest in global black markets knows, are big business. According to the United Nations World Drug Report of 2011, 210 million people use illicit drugs every year. That’s a huge market, and as we shall see, there are any number of criminals eager to capitalize on this […]

  • The 10 Worst Examples of Government and Business Getting Too Close

    Share The most common critique that you’ll hear in regard to the Occupy Wall Street protests is that the protestors’ message is jumbled and incoherent.  They haven’t been able to coalesce around one specific set of policies, grievances or even enemies.  The common rebuttal is that it doesn’t matter, the protests are the expression of […]

  • How Corporations Get Out of Paying Taxes

    There’s been a lot of media-driven furor this year around the issue of humongous corporations weaseling their way out of paying taxes, with GE taking a brunt of the public assault. While with each passing month we hear of some new offender, one wonders how it is that these companies are actually able to do […]

  • 10 Unforgettable Lessons You Learned as a Kid

    Kids are like very annoying robots: they’re cool when they are new, but quickly require more and more upgrades to stay current. Plus they poop and robots don’t even do that. Okay, maybe kids aren’t like robots, but they do learn things. Since we were all kids, we learned those things too. Here are 10 […]

  • 10 Businessmen Who Would Make Better Presidents Than Donald Trump

    Donald Trump is making some scary headway in the polls during this early, early presidential election season. But does he think he’s the only rich guy that could run? Here now are ten other rich dudes who could buy and sell you and would make better presidents or at the very least, better combovers.

  • 10 of the Biggest Lobbies in Washington

    Each year, lobbying groups in Washington spend billions of dollars trying to buy influence. Corporations, special-interest groups, unions, and single-interest groups like the NRA — all of them have poured money into efforts to shape laws and regulations to fit their interests. No doubt about it: most lobbies are forces to be reckoned with. Despite […]

  • Use Your Head, Get Ahead: Using Mind Mapping in Business

    Many people think that mind mapping is a process best used by creative individuals. But there are many ways that mind mapping can help in a business setting as well. It’s important to remember that a business is nothing more than a collection of individuals working together for a common goal. Consider the following ways […]

  • Top 10 Things That All Customers Want

    Whether you’re running a small business or a large corporation, selling dollar-store items or luxury products, every customer has the same desires. Take a look at this top 10 list to see how your company rates in the area of customer service: 1. Involvement Customers want to feel like you care about their needs, and […]

  • 12 Highest Paid People of 2009

    From CEOs to athletes to Hollywood actors and actresses, even these recessionary times are brimming with high achievers who left the rest of the earning world in their dust this year. In fact, for some of these individuals, 2009 proved to be their personal income peak.