The 10 Worst Charities To Donate To

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation

Disabled Veterans National Foundation

In 2010, published an article noting that despite the statement “100% of your donation will go to the charity,” issued over the phone by DVNF supporting charity Donor Services Group, DSG would end up retaining 98% of those solicited donations as fees. It was also discovered that another solicitation contractor, Brickmill Marketing Services, was to keep 100% of donations earned until DVNF could pay off their debts to Brickmill. As a result, less than 1% of donations went to actually helping veterans in need.

Consequently, The Senate Finance Committee began an investigation to determined whether or not DVNF deserved tax-exempt, not for profit status, and CNN wrote an article on the debacle which revealed that of $56 million raised, direct-mail solicitor Quadriga Art was paid approximately $61 million over the past years — unbelievably illustrating how discreditable DVNF really is.

DVNF is now being investigated for tax fraud.

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation