These are the top 10 cybersecurity threats for your business

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8. Cyber Espionage

8. Cyber Espionage

Now this one’s tough, and comes in many guises. Whether it’s a competitor, another nation, or your own, chances are someone wants to know exactly what your business is doing. After all, data is valuable. If you think this cyber security threat is just about state-on-state actors, think back to the North Korea Sony hack, or to the fact that the the NSA has hacked SIM card manufacturer Gemalto, as well as planted insidious malware into hard drives. Industrial espionage is perhaps even more common, with large risks to your business. Extortion or ransom campaigns can move money directly into competitors hands, or your stolen data may simply be sold to the highest bidder. Reputation damage is another common result of cyber espionage, with hackers simply leaking hacked data to the public.

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8. Cyber Espionage